Poor Willie Shakespeare, I am messing with his words.
The last few days have been quiet and restful. At least we are trying to rest. Nightly winds with gusts up to fifty miles per hour whistle through the brush and around the corners of the motorhome making a peaceful night’s sleep impossible.
Thankfully, the motorhome does not rock in the winds as we have heard reports from others. We wonder if Tiffin has a magic anti rocking formula? If so, we approve!
Saturday brought the death of my Motorola Droid Razor. I called Verizon and soon as I could report the problem they said that they would send a replacement overnight. I had to remind the service technician that overnight would mean Sunday.
Yesterday, Monday, was the newly designated day. It arrived, just a promised. I was without a working phone and Hotspot for a day and a half. I was lost without my link to civilization. Now, we are rolling once more. Thank you Verizon!
As I was reading blogs Saturday, I found a one that was new to me. Dave and Maxine (Max) had Borrego Springs in their title. That was a “must read.”
Clark Dry Lake area is their location! Also our location. I looked at the photos on their blog, went outside with binoculars and tried to get a fix on their general area. I Could not find their exact location, but had formed an estimate of where they were.
On our way to the Springs we went in their direction and easily found them by what I described to John as the “smile” on the front of their Mobile Suites fifth wheel, their white truck and their beautiful bright red Goldwing motorcycle. That was easy enough.
Approaching their site, we saw that not only was it their site, but also they were sitting outside. How convenient is that?
We stopped and talked a bit, then continued our trip to town. What a nice couple. To top it off, they also are from Indiana. Small world. Check out their blog at http://wanderingwingers.blogspot.com
Yesterday was semi active day if you can call two visits to the Post Office, a visit to the Anza Borrego State Park visitor’s Center, a stop at the Market and lunch out active. There were very few flowers in bloom. The
drought is really bad in the desert.
Thank goodness the seeds lie dormant over the years until there is enough rain to promote growth and bloom. Maybe we will see a colorful desert next year.
While at the V.C. We met a new little friend. He was accustomed to people and dared to come closer than most.
I sat quietly on the bench and watched him rush from one spot to another searching for morsels to eat.
Finding a seed, he stretched out to eat and enjoy his find.
John remarked that he lays like Olivia on our ceramic floor in the motorhome. That bench must have been cool.
Our plan for the rest of the day was to visit the shops in town. But the shops are closed on Mondays. That was a good excuse to head toward our favorite Mexican Restaurant.
We were fortunate to meet three travelers. They are from Italy enjoying a week in the States.
The two on the right are in research, trying to find a cure for Alzheimer's Disease. The one on the left, moved from Italy to France with her husband to France where he is a surgeon. Three nice ladies.
We headed for our home at Clark Dry Lake and another windy night of broken sleep.
On another subject, many of you will remember when we were in the first stages of fulltiming, we stayed at Brown County State Park just south of Indiana We needed to be close to Indianapolis for John’s physical therapy and follow up appointments with the doctors.
While we were there a family camped next to us and we met Amanda who had just finished her Chemotherapy for Brain Cancer and was in the process of gaining strength. I requested prayer for Amanda’s recovery and, of course, you joined us.
Amanda was able to start school in the fall! She is an A+ student, active in extra curricular activities. One being the musical THE MUSIC MAN. The results of your prayers is below, in costume. And look at the smile on her face! God is so good! Please continue to remember Amanda in the days, weeks and months to come. We want her to continue to gain strength, remain cancer free and stay healthy!
Until next time God Bless!