What a HUGE area with a small town that in January, expands to many miles in all directions. Quartzsite hosts the largest RV show and gathering in the country. The website estimates that there are usually between seven hundred and fifty thousand and one million people people in attendance. Now, that is a large crowd.
We arrived twelve days ago to attend the rock and mineral show that is held two weeks prior to the RV show. The town was far from crowded. Booths were not crowded. We expected the crowds to roll in by the hundreds. So far, the campgrounds, the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) areas and resorts all seem to have plenty of room.
I wonder if the lack of people is the result of the cold snap we have experienced the last few days. Have no fear, I think as the weather continues to improve, we will see more and more people.
This photo was taken on a much warmer day last week. I was in shirtsleeves, knitting socks on my antique CSM / Circular Sock Machine. Notice that there is not another RV to be seen in the picture. The closest was about a third of a mile away from us.
We are parked between Saguaro Cactus. Saguaro are very slow growing cactus. A ten year old plant might only be an one and a half inch tall. Saguaro can grow to between forty to sixty feet tall. When rain is plentiful and the saguaro is fully hydrated, it can weigh between 3200-4800 pounds.
The Saguaro is the largest cactus in the United States.
The sunsets in the deserts are beautiful. The mountains take on colors that leaves me breathless. Of course the most beautiful sunset was the evening that fellow RVer Sandie Dixon and I had to make a quick trip to Lake Havasu for a prescription refill. I am sure that there will be more beauties before we regretfully leave here then end of the month.
The winds have calmed down and the temperatures have risen to a balmy forty-eight degrees. Since there is this "heat wave," Oliver, Olivia and I went for a walk. In the short twenty minutes that we were gone, I saw three RVs with flags.
I need a much faster shutter speed to clearly capture the Maple Leaf of the Canadian flag and others. Here are the three I found.
We have met many RVers that we follow their blogs. It is great to put a live face with a name and a blog title. The first morning we were here Jim and Sandie Dixon of Where are the Dixon's Today. Sandie was one of the mighty prayer warrior's who supported John and I through his hospitalization with respiratory failure then his short return to the hospital for congestive heart failure, just before our departure in December.
I hope to meet and thank more of my Blogland friends and thank them for their prayers, thoughts and kind words of encouragement.

Oliver and Olivia, the fur kids, have been making many new friends. The funniest combination is Duchess, the Doberman and Oliver the Shih Tzu. Like Quartzsite, Duchess is not quart size!
Talk to you later. There is much to do and see here in Quartzsite and you will be the first to hear about it.
God bless you with His blessings and please be safe out there.