
Sunday, January 26, 2014


Monday, were called to the Tiffin Center For Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.  Upon admission, we were encouraged to spend our day in the well supplied "family waiting room."

It was a long day of waiting, but three-fifteen rolled around and we had a pre-op consult with our Bus' surgeon.  He said with the work involved, be prepared for a full week of work.  It was good to have a completion date to anticipate even if an entire week seemed so long.  

I timed my visits to the operating room to be at a time that would not interfere with the surgery.                                                                                                 The first portion of the surgery was an exfoliation procedure where all blemishes were removed leaving a smooth, supple skin.                                                                                               The next order of surgery was the plastic (fiberglass) and reconstructive procedures.  

Three places were involved: First was in the center of the bumper, the second and third were each end of the bumper
Our surgeon cautioned us that the right (passenger) side was a doozy and it took a tremendous amount of surgery to restore the bumper to pre-damage appearance.                                                      Even at this stage, the corner looked much better than it had earlier.  We were having hopeful feelings.                                                                         
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Next came the primer paint.  Although this was just the primer, I was concerned about the color.  
And here is the final photo.  I cannot tell there was any damage.  I'm just telling you, John had better be more careful when he backs AND he needs to listed to the traffic controller...ME!

What a terrific job!  The reconstructive and plastic surgery was declared an astounding success.  Way to go operating room 24B!  Way to go.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                A piece of damaged molding was replaced and the surgeons prepared for the final phase of the plastic surgery.  
                                                                                                                                                                          The patient (Allegro Bus) was prepped and draped for the final touches of the plastic surgery.  

 The color matching was extremely difficult.  They tried and tried to achieve the correct color.                                                             It turns out that the color on the coach was not an original Tiffin color!  It has been repainted previously. What a pain in the spray gun.  This problem was giving everyone a headache. But I was assured that they were not satisfied until we were.                                                   When we left Red Bay, AL, I was not sure of the match.  It was a cloudy day, so I thought that just maybe the match would be better on a bright day.  Nope, it is worse.  

The service department knows of this and has promised to fix it upon our return.  

Are we satisfied with Tiffin's service?  You bet we are!  

Sitting in the waiting room / customer lounge, we heard many horror stories about RV dealers making the sale only to be incapable of making proper repairs on the coaches they sell.   Each and every person said that they were pleased that they came to the home of Tiffin Motorhomes to have the repairs done until they, the Tiffin owner, was totally satisfied.   
                                                                                                       Speaking of customer lounge, there was no lack of dogs and cats on leads.  Each time a new fur kid came into the lounge they all had to get to know one another.  I think Oliver and Olivia thought they were the official welcoming committee. 
Oliver and Oliver with their new best friend, Harley.  

The Whippets came for a while.  And then there is Buddy, the friendliest pooch!  Everyone got along swimmingly, or doggily.

We have left Red Bay and are a bit further south in Montgomery, Alabama at the Gunter Hill COE campgrounds.  

In my next post I will be telling you about this campground, the Unclaimed Baggage Center and the Jackson County Park Campground there in Scottsboro, AL. 

hanks for visiting and for shopping at through the blog.  The link for Amazon is at the top right today's post.  

God Bless and keep you within his hedge of protection.   



  1. So glad you are finally out of there even if the color doesn't match. It's really warm here - going to be 81 by Wednesday. Sure hard to believe it's January. Makes me wonder how hot May is going to be. I'm looking forward to your review of the unclaimed baggage place.

    1. You are right, it is nice to be back on the road. BUT, the weather is going to change from shirt sleeve to bundle up, my dear.

      I do hear via the grape vine that we are in for a mighty hot summer.

  2. The bumper looks outstanding.

    We always had exceptional service from Tiffin. Bob is an awesome man to work with.

    So very glad to hear you are on the road again. Enjoy living the good life.

    1. We did not have the honor of meeting meeting Bob. We hope to the next time we are in Red Bay.

      Every time I look at the bumper, I have to looks to dang good!

  3. They do learn to listen eventually. It took Craig a few hits, but now he goes very slowly and stops when I say stop. We have learned to use our waki talkies all of the time. Glad it is finally over.

    1. Eventually is the key word there, Merikay! But now, John knows that I will gladly replace him as the designated driver if things look a bit ragged.

  4. So glad that plastic surgeon did an exceptional job on that bumper.

    Love your analogy!! So clever:)

    1. We are glad too!

      Thanks, I love to make silly stories out of every day experiences.

  5. Hope you didn't stay in the place with all the ants near the unclaimed baggage place.

    1. I don't think so Judy. It was a very lovely, clean campground right on a lake .... or the Tennessee River....have yet to decide by checking our map.

  6. The repair looks great. They do nice work.

    1. The repair IS great !!!!!!! They work so hard to make the customer happy....What a super work ethic. I could do an entire blog post about how these mechanics operate/live/ work.....I just cannot say enough good about them.

  7. I cannot say enough good about Tiffin. They do stand behind their product and their service. I think it is so much that some people try to take advantage of their integrity.

  8. Like Merikay said...we use walkie talkies too. (actually handheld CB and he can hear me on the dash CB). When I say STOP it means that second, and not roll another foot or two. He had to learn that the hard way too. Sigh... Men!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Can't use Walkie Talkies............... I cannot hear John when the Diesel is running! Maybe it's the W.Tees?

  9. We have walkie-talkies but I don't like them. We use hand signals and have no trouble.

  10. This is the first time I remember reading your part was your blessing at the end.
    Thank you for mentioning God
    God bless you


  11. Nicer that you finally got the repairs all done to your satisfaction.
    We have perfected a simple and very effective system of hand signals, so easy with a little practice.

    1. Hand signals seem to be working best for us too.

  12. We have been using hand signals, but haven't a clue why he lets me help...he almost never watches what I'm doing and does his own thing. Maybe that is a good I miss the walkie talkies...ours stopped working over a year ago.
    The repairs look good. Yes, we were also pleased with everything they did for our coach.

  13. We tried walkie talkies, but I had trouble hearing him due to diesel running. I think we do best with hand signals.....If he just does what I say with my signals.

  14. Would like to try your suggestions, but with ice on the road, we stayed in. Hopefully we will get out of here tomorrow or Thursday.


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