
Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Some followers of this blog want to travel North America like John and I, but find it is either not the right time, or they are not sure they would enjoy traveling in an RV.  

Our advice to people who want to get away from this in the winter is, why not rent first.

Escape winter ice and snow. Head to warmer climates.  

Or, take your young family for an extended summer vacation and see the United States by the roads less traveled. 

Everyone should have the experience of traveling in an RV at least once in their lifetime.  And by the time you arrive home, you will know if the RV lifestyle is for you.

As we travel from state to state, province to province, we meet people who want to talk to us about our travels. They always end the discussion with "I wish we could do that."  

Why do we travel in a RV?  We want to experience our destinations.  We do not always want to "sight see," but become a part of the new neighborhood we are in at that time. 

The French Quarter in New Orleans is a unique destination.   

We want to dine where the locals eat and savor the food of the area. hike the trails, climb the mountains, or

enjoy a foggy morning on the coast. And we want to do this at our leisure.  RV travel offers that opportunity.  

Spend some time at the Grand Canyon.

                                                                                                Or wade in the surf of the central or northern California seashore

Have the freedom to take your pets.

And follow your rainbow.

Visit Death Valley in the winter. It is beautiful in the winter, early spring and late fall.

In the summer, temperatures rise to 120 degrees!
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hike the thousands of trails throughout North America.

Visit Joshua Tree National Park.  

Every sunset has a personality of it's own.                                                   

 Visit ghost towns and dream of days gone by.

                                                                                            Explore roads less traveled.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Visit small town America and absorb a bit of history.
There is nothing tastier than fruits and vegetables purchased at local farmer's markets! 

Did a space ship actually land in Roswell, New Mexico?  Go find out!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Travel a bit further to White Sands, New Mexico.  White sand and no water!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The southwest beckons with cacti, deserts, mountains. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Experience ancient petroglyphs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

                                                                                                                                                Explore mountain caves.
                                        There are no hotels here, but an RV takes you places you will remember forever.
                                                                                                                                                                Learn how our country has been protected by aircraft.

                                                                                                                                                            A brave man sat in this seat!

 Art in the desert at Anza Borrego State Park, California.

                                           "Remember the Alamo!"

                                                                                                                                 Take tours.                                                                                                                       Some like it hot!

Cool off with a kayak tour of a waterway.

                                                                       Visit Old Faithful in Yellowstone National  Park.

And Craters of the Moon National Monument where
astronauts trained for moon exploration.  

                                                                                                             Yosemite National Park!


                                                                                    Tour the coasts to visit lighthouses. 

Some may be shrouded in fog, others in bright sunshine. 

In Oregon, we drove our Motorhome next to the stream created by the Prineville Dam and found excellent trout fishing.

We find all kinds of wildlife in our travels.   

At the end of our day, what a blessing it is to sit by a campfire, review our exciting day we had and to be thankful that we had our RV to take us wherever we wanted to be. 

For our friends around Indianapolis who have asked what we see and do in our travels and about RV rental,  there are many companies who rent RVs.  You can find the right RV for your needs at 

By the time you finish your trip, you will know if you want to purchase one in the future. 

Thanks for stopping by.  We look forward to your comments.  

As always, God bless.   


  1. It is an amazing life for sure. Who knows where are adventures will take us but one thing for sure ..... we most definitely like where we are now.

    1. You are in a wonderful area. But, it seems that most places we RVers choose amazing places to visit.

  2. An excellent photo summary of your travels.
    Like you we enjoy doing what the locals do, at our leisure , really makes an amazing lifestyle.
    Beginning 9 years on the road and loving every minute of it.

    1. Congratulations on your 9 years of fulltime motorhome travel. I am envious of your years. We wish we had started this adventure earlier.

  3. That was a very nice post, you certainly convinced me to go travel by RV. Wait! I already do! ;c)

    1. Paul, you are a hoot! Love the comment. Thanks.

  4. We rented a couple of times and it got us hooked. We quickly learned we wanted a class A not a little class C and that we wanted to be able to keep going without coming back.

    1. Our first experience was traveling with friends. They had a fifth wheel. I loved visiting the Smoky Mountains, but was not impressed with the travel aspect. It turns out that it was due to pulling the 5th wheel. I love the comfort of riding in my recliner, co-pilot seat, being able to visit the bathroom, grabbing a snack from the kitchen, all while riding on down the road.

      That's why there are different kinds of RVs. Some want to pull their travel trailers, some their fifth wheels. They do not need a towed vehicle. Others prefer the Class A's and tow their car behind them. It is all a matter of what fulfills your desire.

  5. Couldn't have said it better myself!!!

  6. Thanks Cozy. You just "gotta" love this mode of travel.

  7. What a great collection of places and memories! For every one of those experiences, you have ten more ahead of you, yet to be enjoyed together. That combination of memories and anticipation is a powerful one for sure. It's not the life for everyone (thank goodness) but we're sure it will be for us. Loved this post :-))))

  8. Really great post of all the places you've done and things you've been able to do because your time is not limited. What a lot of work to go back and pull out all those pictures. A really nice gift for anyone "thinking about it". But then there is the problem of finding a great campsite if everyone is on the road. LOL Just our friends right? :-)

  9. a really great post. . .and when you've explored all the places,
    you get to come back "home" instead of to a hotel room. . .nothing like it!


  10. Love this - sums up the life so well.

  11. Our neighbors actually tried to talk us in to just renting to see if we would like the RV lifestyle. Paul said no way! He knew we would love it. And we do!

    Awesome photos.

  12. I rented for 2 months and loved it. Bought my own motorhome last week. Ready to go! This was an especially wonderful post. Enjoyed it!

  13. Eloquently said & with great photos too.

  14. Nicely put! If this blog don't make you want to go nothing will.)

  15. GREAT post!!!! You said it all so well....

  16. I love wrap ups such as this, it gave us a whole perspective of why we are being nomads. Travel as you please and enjoy as you please. Great post.


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