Methodist Hospital
Indianapolis, IN
As I write this, John has just been taken into surgery after a four and a half hour delay.
The patient before John has some complications. As the surgical team came to talk to John, you could tell that they were pumped with the great outcome of the previous surgery. Thank God for a great surgical team.
Prior to the procedure, Charles and Vicki Lake joined John and I for a visit and a time of prayer.
We have known Charles and Vicki since we were all in our thirties and Charles was the pastor of our church. They are precious friends.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Greenwood, IN
Now that was one short post! Everything went great! They predicted that John's procedure would take between an hour and a half and two hours. (ninety to one hundred twenty minutes.)

His heart was about the only part of my life that was in a nice, steady rhythm Thursday evening as I left John's hospital room to head to the parking garage, jump in the Miata and head back to the coach.
The walk from John's room to the parking garage was a long two to three block walk. But, I made it and counted it as a portion of my daily exercise. Little did I know that there was more walking the halls of the hospital and tunnel to the parking garage in store.
As I sat in the Miata, I looked in my bag for the parking fee. Oops! I left my debit card at home and had only one dollar in cash. Geesh.
I retrace my steps walking through the tunnel, up the elevator and through and down the halls to John's room, get some cash from John's wallet and retrace my steps to the car.
At least I did not need to have my back pack containing my computer, power pak and other numerous items.
The trip to Greenwood is smooth driving. The new road/ramp construction at the Interstate 64 and 465 "intersection" was not obstructed by rush hour traffic which was a blessing, to be sure.
I unlocked the motorhome and was greeted by two rowdy Shih Tzus that were ready to go outside and take care of business.
While out, the fur kids made friends with a camper at the end of our row who was working in Greenwood, but spends his winters in Lake Havasu City, AZ. What a small world.
Returning to the coach, I reach to open the door but it will not open. No problem, all I need to do is to push hard on the door. That will reset the door into the receiver and the door will open.
But it did not work. I try over and over with no luck. Well, I needed help, so back down to the fifth wheel where I met the camper. He willingly comes my aid, but he cannot get it to open either.
He finally says that the only way to enter the coach is to go through a window.
There are only two windows open. The first open window is above my spinning wheel and antique sock machine. That location is not a possibility. The other is at the dining table. That will work!
But we have a short, three step ladder that I use while cleaning windows. It will have to do, but how does one get from a three step ladder into a window.
Along comes hero number two and his wife walking his dog.
He stands on the first step of the ladder while hero one steps onto the handle/balance rail, slivers through the window and opens the door.
Why would the door not open? In the rush to walk with Oliver and Olivia, I laid my backpack on the first step. It made it impossible for the door to shut properly.
John's procedure went without a problem. He had cash in his wallet. And I finally gained entrance to the motorhome. It was the end of a long, busy day and time to sleep. Ahhhh.
Thanks for being shoppers through my blog. For every purchase made through the blog, Amazon makes a small donation to us.
A special thanks goes to God for making John's procedure go so successfully, for John always carrying cash where I do not like to, and for heroes who helped me gain entrance to the motorhome.
Until next time, may the God who loves each one of us as his own son or daughter, bless your day and provide you peace and safety.