
Thursday, September 12, 2013


September the eleventh is not the happiest day in our memories. Our prayers go to the families that relive this experience on this day, year after year.  

Good events also took place on that date. One for instance is that today is John's  birthday.  For this I am extremely thankful.  He would not be alive today if it were not for extremely talented physicians and caretakers.  And for our decision to put him on life support rather than follow our previous decision of artificial means to stay alive.  

The physicians assured John and I that this was a "temporary measure and he probably would be off the ventilator on Monday."  Monday turned into a long six weeks, but John is here and doing better than anyone expected. 

Happy birthday to my love and best friend. May God bless you in is infinite wisdom with many more.

Today is his day.  We are doing whatever he chooses. This means target practice with his gun, fly fishing and trying on the socks I have been knitting for him for almost a year, off and on.  

They are still not done because I do not know how to make the toe on a process called the "Magic Loop."  

He also wants a campfire tonight since the ban on campfires was lifted just yesterday.

We went to where a ranger suggested we shoot.  John gave me my first shooting lesson.  First came all the safety instruction, then how to load the gun and how to shoot.

Some of my shots went about three feet above the target. Some were below the circle in the white area, but I got two bulls eyes my second turn.

We are in Bellevue, Idaho in BLM territory.  This is the first Bureau of Land Management camping we have done since in Clark's Dry Lake and Blair Valley at Anza Borrego State Park in San Diego County, California.  I had forgotten just how enjoyable this kind of camping is.  We want to do more of this!

No neighbors close by.  Unless you want to call a quarter of a mile close by.  That is with the exception of a possible visit of Sandy and Jim Dixon, Scooter and Skittles.  

We had a visit from a strange to us bird.  I sure Judy can identify it.  I have looked on websites and thus far cannot find it's name.   

Until next time...God bless you....


  1. Happy Birthday John. I remember reading the blog about those terrible six weeks and so glad you made a good recovery. Hope you both have a wonderful day of celebration.

    1. Thank you so much for your birthday wishes and especially for your prayers for my recovery. We had a terrific day.

  2. Happy Birthday John, hope you have had an enjoyable day.

    That is definitely our kind of camping. We love it when we have nobody around. BTW, that bird looks like a magpie.

    Have fun with Jim and Sandie, it's always nice to get together with other bloggers.


    1. Thank you Ruth. It was a very enjoyable day. and Thanks for the bird Identification.

  3. A very happy birthday John. She will get those socks done one

    We enjoy boon docking also. Peace and quiet...marvelous.

    1. Thanks Paul and Marsha. I hope she will finish the socks when we get to Michigan. We will be visiting friends and Deb is her knitting Mentor.

  4. Happy Birthday John! I remember those awful six weeks and how we prayed, prayed, prayed for you. So thankful you are with us to celebrate another birthday.

    1. Thank you Betty. Your prayers helped save my life. I am thankful to be having birthdays and getting older.

  5. You've got a magpie there for sure! I remember those days with John in the hospital also. So glad he pulled through that experience.

    1. Thanks Judy, I too am thankful that I pulled through that experience, although I do not remember much of the ordeal.

  6. That looks like a magpie to us. They have more of a shiny black colour here in Canada though. Your's looks like more of a deep dark blue on the back.

    1. This is the first time we have seen a Magpie. Nice birthday present, wasn't it? It's feathers were shiny with a little blueish cast.

  7. Happy birthday, John! It sounds like the two of you are really enjoying being full-timers!

  8. Happy birthday John!! hope you had a great day!!!

  9. Happy Birthday John, looks like you enjoyed your day.
    We too love boondocking when we get to that part of the country.

    1. I did enjoy my day! Thanks for the birthday greeting.

  10. Happy Birthday to John, (a few days late)! I have never been able to master the magic loop mthod for knitting s toes either. I always revert to my trusty double pointed needles.

    My Hubby took me shooting last weekend for the first time. A big surprise for me was that I really enjoyed it. We camp in the boobies in Washington state with bear, mountain lions etc. around so he wants me to be able to shoot. I actually did a lot better than I expected.


  11. A day of celebration it was! Thanks for the happy birthday. Our first Magpie!

  12. Thanks for the Happy Birthday. John

    Nan here. I am going to wait until we arrive in Michigan to visit with friends for a week. Deb will show me how to do the toe. Shooting was OK, but I'd rather be working with fiber. lol

  13. Happy Birthday to JOHN! are quite a good shot! :=)

  14. Happy Happy Birthday just a little late. We had no internet last night. Jim thinks I should learn to shoot also but it doesn't rank real high on my list. Maybe this winter. We should be there tomorrow if we can find you. Keep your phone handy in case I need to call so you can come find us.

  15. Sounds like you had a very nice birthday, John. Wish we could have been there. Nice pics Nancy. so glad you guys are having a
    nice journey.


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